Dear Moderator

I hope you enjoyed looking through my blog, you will find my completed magazine underneath this message. Underneath my completed magazine is my evaluation and my research and planning starts in September.


Friday 9 March 2012

Evaluation Question 1

Here i will be talking about how i have used, developed and challenged the aspects on my magazine compared to a VIBE magazine.

The first thing in which I used from the VIBE magazine was the style of Masthead, the reason for this was because I believed that this was appropriate for the style of magazine in which I was using. The bold style in which I used standed out on the page making it visible and easy to see which magazine it was, the Masthead also was over the head of the model and this was what the VIBE magazine did too. I also had my model wearing glasses as this was the same as the VIBE magazine as it fitted in with the genre of the magazine in which was R&B. I used the same shot type at which the VIBE magazine used as I thought that this was the most appropriate style of shot to be used on the cover of my magazine. I also used the same colour font in which was used on the VIBE magazine as I believe that this was the colour of font in which stood out the most on the background in which I has used.

The places on my magazine cover in which started to look different were the places in which I was putting some of the main stories on the pages as I believed that changing the positioning fit the layout of my cover best. I also changed the positioning of the bar code and the pricing of the magazine as I believed that it looked more appealing there and it was easy to see how much the magazine cost.

The things in which i added to my magazine in which wasn't on the the VIBE magazine were the artist names in which were located across the top of the Masthead as I wanted to give people an insight on the people in which were being talked about in the magazine. I also completely changed the Color of the Masthead in which i used as i believe using the same color on the Masthead as the color of the font would have been to much so that i why i just outlined the Masthead in black. I also changed the way in which the picture was on the magazine as the one on the VIBE magazine was black and white whereas on my magazine i gave the model colour.

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