Dear Moderator

I hope you enjoyed looking through my blog, you will find my completed magazine underneath this message. Underneath my completed magazine is my evaluation and my research and planning starts in September.


Friday 16 March 2012

Evaluation Question 1 - Double Page Spread

The things in which I used from the VIBE magazine double page spread onto my magazine were the positioning of the text as I wanted it to look professional, this is the reasoning for me putting my information located under the heading 'The Great Return' and on the VIBE magazine the information was located under the Heading 'life of a shooting star'. I also used the positioning of the heading on the VIBE magazine, I put the heading of my magazine in the same place as to which had been used on the VIBE magazine. The caption in which is located under the heading in the VIBE magazine has also been used on my magazine, I also put a short sentence in the same place. I also copied the whole layout as the text was on the right and the photo was on the left and this is the same as my magazine.

The things on my double page spread in which I slightly altered to the way in which it was on the VIBE magazine were things like the shot type I had used and the where I had put certain information on the page. The shot type was slightly different on my magazine to the one used on the vibe magazine as I had used a low angle shot however at the same time making it a medium close up in which was similar to the VIBE magazine. I have also made my image in black and white whereas the VIBE magazine image is in colour, I changed the positioning of the sub heading located at the top left saying 'interview' whereas on the VIBE magazine it is located at the top right hand side of the page,

I made some complete alterations and added new things to my double page spread in which was not on the VIBE magazine and these were a caption in which was to the left of my picture as this explained what the image was portraying and what the information on the page was going to be about, I also added images to the right hand side of the information on the page as these were all relevant to what was being described in the information to the left of the page, these were not included in the VIBE magazine.

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