Dear Moderator

I hope you enjoyed looking through my blog, you will find my completed magazine underneath this message. Underneath my completed magazine is my evaluation and my research and planning starts in September.


Friday 16 March 2012

Evaluation Question 1 - Contents Page

The similar things in which I have used from the VIBE magazine are things like the V letter in which is behind the model on both pictures, the reason for this is because my magazine also begins with a V and I believed that it was appropriate to use on my magazine contents page to. I have also used the same layout as to which has been used for the heading Contents as yet again I believed that this was the best style to lay it out on the page. I have also used the same positioning for the picture and the text on the page as i believed that putting the picture and the text there was the best place and made it so that everything was clear on the page.  The font in which i had used was also similar to the font in which was used on the VIBE magazine as this font was the clearest font possible to be used.

The places in which I began to change on my contents page were the sizing and colours of the fonts in which I was using as on the VIBE magazine the font sizes were very small and all black however the numbers were bold however on my magazine I changed the colour of the numbers to red and made them larger than the information next to the number, i also added a black border behind the heading as this made the text more visible and gave you a clear understanding of what the information underneath was about. The Letter 'V' in which is behind the models head on my magazine was changed to the one on the VIBE magazine as I wanted my V to be the same font and style to the one in which I used on my cover with the V just outlined in black.

The things in which i completely changed on my contents page to the ones on the VIBE contents page were things like I added a small statement placed at the bottom left as this corresponded to the image in which i was using. I also added a Blackberry bar code to the right of the title as this allowed you to scan your phone for more information about the magazine. I also gave the image in which was on the contents page colour as I wanted to continue with the same style throughout my magazine, whereas on the VIBE magazine the heart is the only piece of colour on the page.

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