Dear Moderator

I hope you enjoyed looking through my blog, you will find my completed magazine underneath this message. Underneath my completed magazine is my evaluation and my research and planning starts in September.


Saturday 17 March 2012

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Posture - I took the picture of myself in the same style as the one on the right hand side in which is of the VIBE magazine cover, I made the image so that the posture of my body was similar to the way in which is was on the magazine, I also ensured that I was looking directly at the camera when the photo was taken.

Gesture - The lack of gesture is also similar to the one on the VIBE magazine as this corresponds with the attitude that should be portrayed on an R&B Magazine.

Angle - The Angle in which has been used here is an eye level shot as this is the same as the one in which has been used on the VIBE magazine, the angle is appropriate for being used  as it shows the expression on the face of the person who is having the photo taken.

Shot Type - The Shot type in which has been used is a medium close up, this is the same as the VIBE magazine however the image in which I have taken has been edited as the photo is originally a long shot however the image was for the cover of my magazine, and the medium close up was more appropriate.

Lighting - The lighting in which has been used is low key lighting as this shows the mood of the image, the VIBE magazine is similar to this as they are trying to get the same view across to the audience.

Expression - The expression in which has been used on both of the magazine is similar as they are both showing an attitude and this is good as the magazine genre of music is Rap and R&B so the attitude in which is being portrayed is appropriate. 

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