Dear Moderator

I hope you enjoyed looking through my blog, you will find my completed magazine underneath this message. Underneath my completed magazine is my evaluation and my research and planning starts in September.


Thursday 6 October 2011

Research and Planning: Music Magazine

This music magazine is RnB. We know that this magazine is RnB related through the artist in which has been put on the cover, the male who has been put on the cover of the magazine is User. The clothing that is being worn on the magazine also shows the reader that the magazine is RnB related as they are fashionable and very cool. Usher himself also comes across as a cool person thus showing us that the magazine is RnB. The type of shot in which has been used on the cover of the magazine is a medium close up. The stories in which are present on the cover of the magazine are appropriate as they are RnB related and also about celebrities and music.

The attitude in which User appears to have on the cover of the magazine is a cocky attitude and the reason for this is because of the type of music he producers and also the type of magazine it is, the reason for the cocky attitude is because of the attitude in which is portrayed in RnB Music.

The audience in which the magazine is aimed at is teenagers and young adults, we are able to tell that the magazine is aimed at this age group through the clothes in which User is wearing and also through the use of language on the cover for example 'Swagger'. The type of font and colour used in the magazine are bright bold and eye catching to appeal to a certain younger audience, the bold fonts are also there so that they stand out above the rest of the text.

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