Dear Moderator

I hope you enjoyed looking through my blog, you will find my completed magazine underneath this message. Underneath my completed magazine is my evaluation and my research and planning starts in September.


Thursday 13 October 2011

Research and Planning: Contents Page Analysis

Genre - The genre at which the contents page is aiming at is R&B and the reason for me knowing this is because of the person whom the picture is of, in this case Usher. Usher tends to do his music around the genre R&B and thus therefore telling me that the magazine contents page is R&B related. 
Target Audience - The target audience in which the contents page is attracting for this magazine is an age group between 15-20 year old's or Students in particular as they tend to buy magazines of this type of music as it interests them.

Layout - The layout of this contents page is 7 paragraphs down the left hand side of the page describing the features in which are in this magazine, there is also a large image of Usher on the right hand side of the page as this will attract people who like usher and in this magazines case students or younger aged people.

Representation - The representation of the magazine shows the genre of the music as the image in which is on the cover is of Usher and he has attitude in which is being shown though his posture and the way he is stood. The clothing in which he is wearing also links in with the attitude in which he is portraying and this yet again will link to the genre of the magazine.

Media Language - The media language used on the contents page is a medium long shot as we are able to see his whole body up to his knees.

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