Dear Moderator

I hope you enjoyed looking through my blog, you will find my completed magazine underneath this message. Underneath my completed magazine is my evaluation and my research and planning starts in September.


Thursday 6 October 2011

Research and Planning Music Magazine Analysis

The Genre of music in which i am doing for my magazine is RnB, this is the reason for the choosing of this magazine cover as it is RnB based. I know that this magazine is RnB through the Photographs, colour, fonts and artist present on the cover. The photograph in which is on the cover of the magazine shows that this is RnB, we know this because of the person as he produces music in which is RnB Based. The colours used on the cover of the magazine also represent an RnB type of genre as you would class RnB to be more darker colours. The artist in which are also visible on the cover 'Trey Songs' and 'Young Jeezy' also show that the magazine is RnB as these people produce this kind of music.

 The representation on the cover of the magazine through the attitudes in which are been given of by the picture and also the clothing in which is being worn show that the magazine is RnB related. The attitude in which Trey Songs is given of to the viewers of the magazine is and aggressive attitude this is good for representing RnB as it is upbeat and not subtle.

The target audience for the magazine is a mixture of people however the cover of the magazine may appeal to younger girls as Trey Songs has got his top of, the magazine will also appeal to mainly younger people because of the type of music it is.

The type of shot in which is being used on the cover of the magazine is a mid shot, the magazine has also followed the 3 colour rule and have used the colours red, white and black. The fonts sizes in which are used on the cover of the magazine are a range of sizes however just one style, the reason for the range of size of font is so that people are attracted to the text in which is bigger. No clothes are present on the magazine bar his underwear.

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