Dear Moderator

I hope you enjoyed looking through my blog, you will find my completed magazine underneath this message. Underneath my completed magazine is my evaluation and my research and planning starts in September.


Wednesday 19 October 2011

Thursday 13 October 2011

Research and Planning: Contents Page Analysis

Genre - The genre at which the contents page is aiming at is R&B and the reason for me knowing this is because of the person whom the picture is of, in this case Usher. Usher tends to do his music around the genre R&B and thus therefore telling me that the magazine contents page is R&B related. 
Target Audience - The target audience in which the contents page is attracting for this magazine is an age group between 15-20 year old's or Students in particular as they tend to buy magazines of this type of music as it interests them.

Layout - The layout of this contents page is 7 paragraphs down the left hand side of the page describing the features in which are in this magazine, there is also a large image of Usher on the right hand side of the page as this will attract people who like usher and in this magazines case students or younger aged people.

Representation - The representation of the magazine shows the genre of the music as the image in which is on the cover is of Usher and he has attitude in which is being shown though his posture and the way he is stood. The clothing in which he is wearing also links in with the attitude in which he is portraying and this yet again will link to the genre of the magazine.

Media Language - The media language used on the contents page is a medium long shot as we are able to see his whole body up to his knees.

Research and Planning: Draft Magazine Masthead

The font that has been here is Urban Jungle for my masthead

Research and Planning: Cover And Contents (Draft)

 Contents (Draft)
Cover (Draft)

Research and Planning: Target Audience

Age- The Age group at which i want my magazine to attract attention to and for them to read would be a range between late teens and early 20's preferably 17 year old.

Gender- The gender in which the magazine is aimed to attract are males however the magazine may also appeal to some females as the type of genre in which my magazine is based on is aimed to attract both males and females.

Occupation - The type of occupation in which the people whom are reading my magazine will be students, as this is the age group at which the genre of music i have chosen attracts. My magazine is also aimed towards students and people who are in current education as they are the people who have the time to read magazines in there spare time.

Class - The magazine is aimed to attract the middle class citizens, the reason for this is because the students usually tend to spend there money on things that may interest them like magazines, students of this class may also be into this type of music therefore they would want to buy the magazine.

Wealth - The reason for them buying magazines due to there wealth is because they may have that little bit extra cash on their hands and with this they may like to buy things that intrigue them or interest them in some way so they will buy magazine to entertain them.

Interests - Interests will play a major part in people wanting to buy my magazine as students in which my magazine is aimed at are interested in this type of music and therefore will want to read about it and learn more about therefore purchasing my magazine to interest them.

Outlook For The Future - I think that people whom are reading this magazine will be currently students or maybe will be a student in the future (few years), if they are also currently students then they could perhaps be going into university or looking for a job in which they enjoy and the pay is okay.

How are you going to reach them? - I am going to reach them by adding things in the magazine that will attract the audience through bold fonts and colours in which stand out and are eye catching. I will also be adding information in the magazine that will appeal to a younger audience as that is whom my magazine is aimed at.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Research and Planning: Music Magazine

This music magazine is RnB. We know that this magazine is RnB related through the artist in which has been put on the cover, the male who has been put on the cover of the magazine is User. The clothing that is being worn on the magazine also shows the reader that the magazine is RnB related as they are fashionable and very cool. Usher himself also comes across as a cool person thus showing us that the magazine is RnB. The type of shot in which has been used on the cover of the magazine is a medium close up. The stories in which are present on the cover of the magazine are appropriate as they are RnB related and also about celebrities and music.

The attitude in which User appears to have on the cover of the magazine is a cocky attitude and the reason for this is because of the type of music he producers and also the type of magazine it is, the reason for the cocky attitude is because of the attitude in which is portrayed in RnB Music.

The audience in which the magazine is aimed at is teenagers and young adults, we are able to tell that the magazine is aimed at this age group through the clothes in which User is wearing and also through the use of language on the cover for example 'Swagger'. The type of font and colour used in the magazine are bright bold and eye catching to appeal to a certain younger audience, the bold fonts are also there so that they stand out above the rest of the text.

Research and Planning Music Magazine Analysis

The Genre of music in which i am doing for my magazine is RnB, this is the reason for the choosing of this magazine cover as it is RnB based. I know that this magazine is RnB through the Photographs, colour, fonts and artist present on the cover. The photograph in which is on the cover of the magazine shows that this is RnB, we know this because of the person as he produces music in which is RnB Based. The colours used on the cover of the magazine also represent an RnB type of genre as you would class RnB to be more darker colours. The artist in which are also visible on the cover 'Trey Songs' and 'Young Jeezy' also show that the magazine is RnB as these people produce this kind of music.

 The representation on the cover of the magazine through the attitudes in which are been given of by the picture and also the clothing in which is being worn show that the magazine is RnB related. The attitude in which Trey Songs is given of to the viewers of the magazine is and aggressive attitude this is good for representing RnB as it is upbeat and not subtle.

The target audience for the magazine is a mixture of people however the cover of the magazine may appeal to younger girls as Trey Songs has got his top of, the magazine will also appeal to mainly younger people because of the type of music it is.

The type of shot in which is being used on the cover of the magazine is a mid shot, the magazine has also followed the 3 colour rule and have used the colours red, white and black. The fonts sizes in which are used on the cover of the magazine are a range of sizes however just one style, the reason for the range of size of font is so that people are attracted to the text in which is bigger. No clothes are present on the magazine bar his underwear.