Dear Moderator

I hope you enjoyed looking through my blog, you will find my completed magazine underneath this message. Underneath my completed magazine is my evaluation and my research and planning starts in September.


Thursday 10 November 2011

Research and Planning: Genre Posts.

  • The artist in which i will associate with the genre of music in which i am doing are, Chris Brown, Usher, Example and Jason Derulo. The reason why i associate these people with my genre of music is because they produce this type of music.

This image of Usher shows a good example of the type of setting i will be using for my magazine and also the lighting in which will be used.

The look the models need to have for the cover of my magazine are similar to the one in the picture above they need to be giving of an image in which is neither happy nor sad as this represents the music in which is being used in my magazine. The model in which i am using will also need to have an attitude about him as the genre RnB tends to have an attitude in the music.
The Mise-en-Scene in which i associate with my genre is that in a darkish room with low lighting being used. The costumes i expect to be used on my model are those similar to the one in the cover of the magazine or those in which are in fashion at the moment like sun glasses a t shirt, jacket and a pair of trainers.

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