Dear Moderator

I hope you enjoyed looking through my blog, you will find my completed magazine underneath this message. Underneath my completed magazine is my evaluation and my research and planning starts in September.


Wednesday 9 November 2011

Research and planning: Double Page Spread Analysis

The Music magazine in which this double page spread has been taken from is Vibe, the reason in which i chose to take the double page spread from a Vibe magazine is because they tend to stick to the RnB Genre in which my magazine is based on.

I am able to tell that the magazine is RnB related through the person in which is on the left hand side of the page, this is an image of usher in which produces music of an RnB/Hip Hop Genre. The reason in which the magazine has dedicated Usher on his own page is so that you focus on him and so that you are able to see the attitude in which he is portraying.

This is the type of double page spread i will be using for my magazine. The reason in which i will be using this type of double page spread as the layout used is the one in which i will want in the process of making my magazine. Another reason in which i will be using this double page spread type is because i seem to think that it is very effective yet simple in design, the reason why i believe it to be effective is because of the large image and seeing the image makes you want to find out more about that person thus therefore drawing you in to read the text.

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