Dear Moderator

I hope you enjoyed looking through my blog, you will find my completed magazine underneath this message. Underneath my completed magazine is my evaluation and my research and planning starts in September.


Friday 25 November 2011

Thursday 24 November 2011

Research and planning- Album Covers

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These album covers show the range of colours i am able to use in my magazine as all of the above are of R&B Artists, also the attitudes and camera shots in which have been taken for these are also appropriate and give of examples of those i can use when taking my shots for my magazine

Research and Planning: Magazine Cover Progress

This is what i have produce for the cover of my magazine so far.

Research and Planning: Model Hairstyles

These are the hair styles in which i will want to use on my female model when taking the pictures for my magazine. The reason in which i will be using these hair styes on my female model are because they are appropriate and fit in with my genre of magazine, as these female singers all produce R&B Music.

Friday 18 November 2011

Research and Planning: Contacting People For Photographs

When i was looking for people to go in my magazine i had to contact them to see if they were available and able to have their pictures taken for me.

Research and planning- Cover, Contents, Double Page Spread Drafts 'Colour'

These are the drafts of the Cover, Contents and Double Page Spread in which i will be using when producing my magazine, the layout colour and text of the annotation in which i have included in the images shown below are those in which i will be going of when creating my magazine.
Contents And Cover Located Above
Double Page Spread

Research and planning- Small Paper Based Double Page Spread Draft

This is the type of style in which i will be using for my double page spread

Research and planning- Extra Genre Posts

Genre Posts - R&B

These images are of R&B Artists.

Image Detail
This image is of Trey Songz in which produces R&B Music, this image may be appropriate for the cover of my magazine as the way he is sat is showing attitude and this fits in well with the genre of music in which he produces, the clothing is also appropriate as it is fashionable.

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This image of Cee Loo Green is yet again another image of an artist in which produces R&B Music, this image would also be appropriate for the cover of my R&B Magazine as i am looking for a male artist to go onto my cover, the clothing and the accessories in which he is wearing are also the type of clothing in which i will want my model to have on, the postioning and the blank facial expression also tie in with the genre of my magazine.

Image Detail
 This image of Kelly Rowland is the image of her album cover in which is of an R&B Album, the image is appropriate for the type of music in which she produces as it protrays an attitude, this image would be a very good style for the female modle in which i will be using to go onto either my double page spread or my contents page, the colours in which have been used are also appropriate as these are the colours in which i have chosen to include in my magazine.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Research and Planning: Possible Locations

Green Screen- This is so that i am able to super impose a background to the person in which i take a picture of for the cover of my magazine.

This is a background that i could use for my magazine as it has a good setting and this is what i want when taking my picture

Research and Planning: Plan for this Week 17/11/11

- Location Shots

- Extra Posts

- Headshot

- Start Magazine

Sunday 13 November 2011

Research and Planning: Possible Props

Image Detail
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Above Are Pictures of props in which could be used in the making of my magazine they include:
  • Lights
  • Microphones
  • Smoke Machines
  • Wind Machines
  • Chairs

Friday 11 November 2011

Research and Planning: SLR Test Shots

 This picture is a medium close up, the lighting in which is used in this image is through the cameras flash. The camera angle in which i used is eye level and the reason for this is so that i am able to see the expression on her face.
This image is yet again a medium close however on this occasion i decided not to use the flash in doors as i believe natural lighting is better. The angle i used on this image is eye level and the reason for this is so that i am able to see the facial expression on her face.
This shot is a high angle shot almost a birds eye view of the person in which is below me, the image is also a long shot of the person as she is showing the whole of her body. This image was taken outside however on this occasion i used the flash but as i am outside using the flash was an uncessasery thing as i believe the natural lighting is better.
This image is yet again another high angle shot however this time i decide to make the image a medium close up (mid shot), the reason why the image is a medium close up is because i am only focusing on the top half of the body, this image was taken outside in order to use natural lighting instead of using the flash.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Research and Planning: Publication Plan

Research and Planning: Genre Posts.

  • The artist in which i will associate with the genre of music in which i am doing are, Chris Brown, Usher, Example and Jason Derulo. The reason why i associate these people with my genre of music is because they produce this type of music.

This image of Usher shows a good example of the type of setting i will be using for my magazine and also the lighting in which will be used.

The look the models need to have for the cover of my magazine are similar to the one in the picture above they need to be giving of an image in which is neither happy nor sad as this represents the music in which is being used in my magazine. The model in which i am using will also need to have an attitude about him as the genre RnB tends to have an attitude in the music.
The Mise-en-Scene in which i associate with my genre is that in a darkish room with low lighting being used. The costumes i expect to be used on my model are those similar to the one in the cover of the magazine or those in which are in fashion at the moment like sun glasses a t shirt, jacket and a pair of trainers.

Research and Planning: Plan for this Week

  • Publication Plan
  • Learn how to use the SLR Cameras
  • Do my double page spread with annotation
  • Double page spread draft.
  • Extra Genre posts

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Research and planning: Double Page Spread Analysis

The Music magazine in which this double page spread has been taken from is Vibe, the reason in which i chose to take the double page spread from a Vibe magazine is because they tend to stick to the RnB Genre in which my magazine is based on.

I am able to tell that the magazine is RnB related through the person in which is on the left hand side of the page, this is an image of usher in which produces music of an RnB/Hip Hop Genre. The reason in which the magazine has dedicated Usher on his own page is so that you focus on him and so that you are able to see the attitude in which he is portraying.

This is the type of double page spread i will be using for my magazine. The reason in which i will be using this type of double page spread as the layout used is the one in which i will want in the process of making my magazine. Another reason in which i will be using this double page spread type is because i seem to think that it is very effective yet simple in design, the reason why i believe it to be effective is because of the large image and seeing the image makes you want to find out more about that person thus therefore drawing you in to read the text.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Research and Planning: Props List

The props in which i will be putting onto the person in which is going onto the front of my magazine are:

 Converse All Stars-

Plain T-Shirt



Research and Planning: Equipment and Software list

The equipment and software in which i will need to use in the process of creating my magazine are-

- Photoshop
- Indesign
- SLR Camera
- I Mac
- Pen
- Paper
- Coloured Pencils
- Internet