Dear Moderator

I hope you enjoyed looking through my blog, you will find my completed magazine underneath this message. Underneath my completed magazine is my evaluation and my research and planning starts in September.


Friday 7 September 2012

Sources for Angelina Jolie A2

Angelina Jolie

Action related:
Empire Magazine –

‘it’s further confirmation of Jolie’s action goddess status.’

Empire Magazine –

The film lurches enjoyably into the unknown, as we’re invited to consider the prospect of Angelina Jolie, not as a heroine, but as a villain.’

The time of the Anniston and Jolie dispute and who was made out to be the bad person .. look at a sun article to try and show that she was made out to be the bad person.

Empire Magazine –

Unlike some other actresses, Angelina Jolie seems well hard. Halle Berry’s never had to fight anyone for more than a few minutes (without using a sudden meteorological event), and even in something like Catwoman, they made the baddie a girl so she’d mostly be, well, catfighting. Nicole Kidman doesn’t do action (well); neither does Roberts, or Aniston or Witherspoon; Jovovich isn’t quite A-list. It’s all on Jolie when it comes to kicking ass and taking names in starring roles, and she does so with a steely determination that recalls Dirty Harry at his finest

Total Films –

Wilier than Wanted’s Fox, meaner than Mrs Smith, more layered than Lara, Evelyn Salt offers Hollywood’s most successful female action star a new platform to kick ass. And of course, to try and take on the big Bs at the box office: Bond and Bourne.’

MTV Interview-

Shes two sided an Action character and also a caring motherly figure.

‘MTV: Do you imagine such physical roles will always be a part of your career?
Jolie: I think there’s always going to be a side of me … you know, as long as I can.’


Press conference on changeling, emotional side to Angelina and how the film represents the change in person she now Is.


Shows her rebellious stage through her appearance and her actions.

Monday 19 March 2012

Question 6- What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constucting the product?

The different technologies that i used are:

I used blogger to publish all of the tasks in which i had to complete showing all of the evidence/research and planning in which i found through the process of producing my magazine i also published photos of the models in which I had in my magazine and images of my magazine in stages of completion.

I used flicker in order to upload my cover, contents and double page spread. Under each of the photos in which I used I went to explain: How I would distribute my magazine, how VIBE distributes there magazine and what is media distribution?

I used an SLR camera in order to take all of the photos in which I needed for my magazine.

I used prezi as this allowed me to write about the things in which I had used for my magazine in a different way, as prezi allows you to present your information in different ways.

I used Photoshop in order to make my magazine cover, contents and Double page spread.

I used InDesign as this allowed me to easily put my text for my double page spread into columns and allowed it to have a more professional look.

Question 5 How did you attract/address your audience


Question 4- Who is your target audience for your media product and why?

Question 3 - What kind of media product represents particualr social groups?

How would I distribute my magazine?

How is VIBE distributed?

What is media distribution?